Contact Us
To get in touch with us, please email us at any of the following addresses below and we will respond to your enquiry within 5 - 7 working days.
Postal Address: Attn: Gemma Lee, (Lewis Eady Music School), 75 Great South Road, Epsom, Auckland.
Email Addresses
General enquiries | info@nspas.nz |
President | president@nspas.nz |
Secretary | secretary@nspas.nz |
Dance | dance@nspas.nz |
Highland Dance | highlanddance@nspas.nz |
Piano | piano@nspas.nz |
Instrumental | instrumental@nspas.nz |
Junior Vocal | juniorvocal@nspas.nz |
Senior Vocal | seniorvocal@nspas.nz |
Website | webmaster@nspas.nz |