
Venue: PumpHouse Theatre, Takapuna

Vocal Championship:

Class 255Vocal Championshipopen

Class sponsor    Anne Shanks and the NSPAS
Competitors entering this class ($20) must also enter and compete in Classes 257, 258 & 259 ($12 per class). Winner receives $200, second place $100, third place $50, donated by Anne Shanks and various NSPAS Benevolent Funds.

1Arthur Adams-Close

2Sid Chand

3Rhiannon Cooper

4Claudia Evans

5Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono

6Maeve Herd

7Sarah Hubbard

8Mike Yang Liu

9Libby Montgomery

10Christina Orjis

11Olivia Pike

12Jessica Webber

13Te Ohorere Williams

14Katherine Winitana

15Sophia Yang

16Julie Young

17Cecilia Zhang

18Maggie Zhang

Fri 3 Jun Evening7pm

Class 252Nomination/s for PACANZ National Young Performer Awards 17 to 24 years

Class sponsor    Patron Mrs Wyn Hoadley QS0
A. Performers will be 17 and under 25 years as at 1st of October 2022. B. Performers will introduce their items and they must sing them in the language in which they were composed. C. 1. Each performer will perform a programme of a maximum of 15 minutes and not less than 12 minutes, including the introduction. There will be a total mark given for the complete programme. A penalty of 5 marks will be imposed if the minimum time limit is not met, or the maximum time limit is exceeded by 60 seconds or more. 2. An accompanist is provided, but competitors may bring their own at their own expense. D. Each performer will perform a programme consisting of: - 20th or 21st Century Art Song - Aria (Opera or Oratorio) - Own Selection E. In the semi-final, those performers recalled will perform either two or three items from their programme, at the Adjudicator’s discretion. The number of semi-finalists is determined as per the NYPA rules 7.1-7.2. Competitors will be chosen based on their marks in the Preliminary round. F. Three Finalists will be recalled for the Final Award Concert and will perform one item from their original programme, as directed by the Adjudicator. COMPETITORS PLEASE NOTE Only enter the Nomination class if you are seeking a Nomination AND are committed to attending and competing at the National Young Performer Awards in Palmerston North - 21-23 Oct 2022. SOCIETY NOMINATION Each Society, which is a financial member of PACANZ, may nominate up to two competitors, who shall be selected by the adjudicator, based on a performance as outlined in A-D. The adjudicator will determine that a competitor has displayed a sufficient standard of performance to competently represent that society at the National Finals. The standard required will be at the absolute discretion of the adjudicator but will include: - A demonstration of adequate preparation - An authority of performance - A performance with a level of maturity commensurate with a national final competition of this age group. If the adjudicator considers that sufficient standard has NOT been reached by any competitor, then NO nomination will be made. The Nominating Society is responsible for paying part of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $75 inc. gst per Nominee. Each Nominee is responsible for paying the rest of the entry fee to the National Young Performer Awards i.e. $175.00 incl gst. DIRECT ENTRY NOMINATION If the adjudicator considers that more than two competitors have reached a sufficient standard the adjudicator may report to the committee that those competitors should be given the option of a DIRECT ENTRY NOMINATION. The DIRECT ENTRY nominee will be responsible for paying the full entry fee i.e. $250.00 incl gst.

1Arthur Adams-CloseEin Mädchen oder WeibchenMozart
Im FrühlingSchubert
Sing HarryLilburn

Class 246aMusic Theatre in costume - First Itemopen

Class sponsor    Janice Webb
Winner receives the Les Kitney Memorial Trophy and $150, 2nd prize $75 donated by Janice Webb. Performers present two items. Both singing and acting ability will be judged.

1Imogen HarwoodWill He Like Me?Jerry Brock

2Kimiya LobieSurabaya JohnnyKurt Weill

3Samuel HarrisOut ThereAlan Menken

4Nicholas CurryOut ThereAlan Menken

5Daniella BercovitchIf I Loved YouRodgers and Hammerst

Class 253Operatic Soloopen

Class sponsor   
This class is not open to entrants in the Becroft Aria

1Imogen HarwoodLes Oiseaux Dans La Charmille (Doll Song)OffenbachLes Contes d'Hoffmann

2Julie YoungSi Mi Chiamano MimiMozartLa Boheme

3Kimiya LobieVedrai CarinoMozart

4Claudia EvansDeh! non voler costringereDonizettiAnna Bolena

5Samuel HarrisDalla Sua PaceMozartDon Giovanni

Class 246bMusic Theatre in costume - Second Itemopen

Class sponsor   

1Imogen HarwoodGirl in 14GJeanine Tesori

2Kimiya LobieSo in loveCole Porter

3Samuel HarrisHard to be the BardJohn O'Farrell

4Nicholas CurryDonny NovitskiRichard Oberacker

5Daniella BercovitchI Could Have Danced All NightFrederick Loewe

Class 247Restricted - Own Selectionopen

Class sponsor   
Open to singers who have not won a first prize during the last three years at this or any similar competition.

1Kimiya LobieSilent NoonVaughan Williams

2Maggie ZhangPer pietà, bell'idol mioBellini

3Nahyeon KimLa promessaRossini

4Anna NguyenIl Fervido DesiderioBellini

5Jessica WebberVocaliseRachmaninoff

6Maike SchaumkelNun wandre, MariaWolf

Sat 4 Jun Morning9:30am

Class 257Oratorioopen

Class sponsor    Sally Stone
Time limit 7 minutes. Any preceding recitative must be included. First Prize $75.00, Second $50.00 and Third $25.00

1Clare HoodHear Ye, Israel (Elijah)F. Mendelssohn

2Sid ChandComfort Ye... Every ValleyHandel

3Maeve HerdRejoice Greatly O Daughter of ZionHandel

4Katherine WinitanaHow Beautiful are the feetHandel

5Rhiannon CooperJerusalemMendelssohn

6Julie YoungZerfliesse Mein HertzeBach

7Christina OrjisCujus animam gementemPergolesi

8Sarah HubbardLet the Bright SeraphimHandel

9Ridge PoniniHe was cut off out of the land of the livingHandel

10Jessica WebberHow Can I Cherish My Man In Such DaysTippett

11Mike Yang LiuGeduld geduldBach

12Claudia EvansFac ut portem Christi mortemPergolesi

13Arthur Adams-CloseMache dich, mein Herze, reinBach

14Libby MontgomeryIch will dir mein Herze schenkenBach

15Sophia YangZerfliesse, mein herzeBach

16Te Ohorere WilliamsRejoice greatly, O Daughter of ZionHandel

17Maggie ZhangFarewell, ye limpid springsHandel

18Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoTotal EclipseHandel

19Olivia PikeSeufzer, Thränen, Kummer, NothBach

Class 258Art Song in original English (any period)open

Class sponsor    Raewyn Stone

1Sarah HubbardDream ValleyRoger Quilter

2Claudia EvansThe WatermillVaughan Williams

3Julie YoungWinterArgento

4Katherine WinitanaLoves PhilosophyR. Quilter

5Maggie ZhangThe EstuaryMichael Head

6Olivia PikeClear SkyLilburn

7Libby MontgomeryO that it were so!Frank Bridge

8Arthur Adams-CloseIt was a lover and his lassFinzi

9Sid ChandSleepGurney

10Sophia YangNocturneBarber

11Christina OrjisLift me into HeavenLarsen

12Jessica WebberA Nun Takes the VeilBarber

13Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoThe Lake Isle of InnisfreeB. Moore

14Mike Yang LiuRain has fallenBarber

15Rhiannon CooperSweet Suffolk OwlPoston

16Samuel HarrisSilent NoonVaughan Williams

17Te Ohorere WilliamsSeascapesBritten

18Cecilia ZhangBusiness GirlsMadeleine Dring

19Anna NguyenHeart, We Will Forget HimAaron Copland

20Maeve HerdWhen Day Stands StillElmsly

Sat 4 Jun Afternoon2pm

Class 259German Liedopen

Class sponsor    Auckland Lieder Group
Winner will receive the Gwilym Evans Memorial Trophy and $100, second place $50 and third place $25 donated by the Auckland Lieder Group.

1Christina OrjisTraum durch die DämmerungStrauss

2Sophia YangGretchen am SpinnradeSchubert

3Sid ChandDer NeugierigeSchubert

4Maeve HerdBefreitStrauss

5Olivia PikeMond, so gehst du wieder aufKorngold

6Mike Yang LiuVerschwiegene LiebeWolf

7Julie YoungSuleikaSchubert

8Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoLiebst du Im SchönheitMahler

9Jessica WebberStille TränenSchumann

10Arthur Adams-CloseWidmungSchumann

11Cecilia ZhangGing heut' Morgen über's FeldMahler

12Te Ohorere WilliamsAllerseelenStrauss

13Libby MontgomeryGanymedSchubert

14Ridge PoniniNacht Und traumeSchubert

15Sarah HubbardLied der SuleikaSchumann

16Katherine WinitanaNur wer die sehnsucht kenntSchubert

17Maggie ZhangAllerseelenStrauss

18Rhiannon CooperLiebst du um schönheitMahler

19Daniella BercovitchThe SecretSchubert

20Claudia EvansWie Melodien zieht es mirBrahms

Class 250Song by a New Zealand Composeropen

Class sponsor   
Winner receives the Andrew Reid Cup.

1Samuel HarrisSongRitchie

2Daniella BercovitchAlas! That Spring should vanish with the RoseIris Mason

3Katherine WinitanaAko ako o te rangiMaewa Kaihau

Sat 4 Jun Evening6pm

Class 265Linda Wootten / Seamus Casey Memorial Awardsopen

Class sponsor    Perpetual Guardian Trust, our Patron Wyn Hoadley QSO and anonymous donors.

1Julie YoungAn den mondSchubert
let the florid music praiseBritten
La Maja a el ruisenorGranadosGoyescas

2Nicholas CurryLove's PhilosophyRoger Quilter
Waft her, AngelsHandelJephtha
Ich grolle nichtSchumann

3Jessica WebberRuhe, meine SeeleStraussLieder
Steal Me, Sweet ThiefMenottiThe Old Maid and the Thief
Poveri fioriCilèaAdriana Lecouvreur

4Sarah HubbardPrendi, per me sei liberoDonizettiL'elisir d'amore

5Sid ChandVainement ma bien aimeéLaloLe Roi dY's
Silent NoonVaughan Williams

6Anna NguyenAllerseelenStrauss
A Blackbird SingingMichael Head
Batti BattiMozartDon Giovanni

7Mike Yang LiuNow have I fed and eaten up the roseBarber
An den MondSchubert
La fleur que tu m'avais jetéeBizetCarmen

8Rhiannon CooperEinsam in trüben TagenWagnerLohengrin
Ah love but a dayBeach

9Hannah KingHe moemoeaRitchie-
Gretchen am SpinnradeSchubert-
Il faut partirDonizettiLa fille du régiment

10Ridge PoniniDalla Sua PaceMozartDon Giovanni
Du bist die welt fur michRichard Tauber
A kingdom by the seaArthur Somervell

11Cecilia ZhangTu fosti traditoMozartLa clemenza di Tito
NachtwandererF. Mendelssohn

12Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoO mistress mineR. Quilter
Ah leve toi soleilGounodRomeo et Juliette

13Olivia PikeSnow Maiden's AriaRimsky-KorsakovThe Snow Maiden
Den Abschied schnell genommenJosephine Lang

14Alexandra FrancisTornami a vagheggiarHandelAlcina

15Alexander JamesFrühlingstraumSchubertWinterreise
Look! Through the Port Comes the Moonshine AstrayBrittenBilly Budd
With So Little To Be Sure OfSondheimAnyone Can Whistle

16Katherine WinitanaMorgenStrauss-
SummertimeG & I. GershwinPorgy and Bess
Depuis le jourG. CharpentierLouise

Sun 5 Jun Morning10am

Class 256Folk/Traditional/Spiritualopen

Class sponsor   

1Sarah HubbardMi SueñoEdward Kilenyi

2Ridge Poninisanta LuciaTeodoro Cattrau

3Antonia BrightwellAt the Mid Hour of NightBritten

4Jessica WebberI Will Walk With My LoveIrish (arr. Hughes)

5Rhiannon CooperMy heart's in the HighlandsRespighi

6Cecilia ZhangShenandoahArr. Jay Althouse

Class 254European Art Song (not English), after 1840open

Class sponsor   

1Clare HoodDe los álamos vengo, madreRodrigo

2Antonia BrightwellAuroreFaure

3Sophia YangC.Poulenc

4Samuel HarrisJungfrun under lindW. Peterson-Berger

5Julie YoungLe Spectre De La RoseBerlios

6Jessica WebberAdieux de l'hôtesse arabeBizet

7Maggie ZhangBeau SoirDebussy

8Olivia PikeCradle SongTchaikovsky

9Sarah HubbardLes Filles de CadixLéo Delibes

10Cecilia ZhangSi mes vers avaient des ailes!Reynaldo Hahn

Class 251Vocal Duet - Own selectionopen

Class sponsor    Opera Factory

1Maggie Zhang, Matthew BennettEr und SieSchumann

Sun 5 Jun Afternoon2pm

Class 245Becroft Aria (preliminary round)open

Class sponsor    Becroft Foundation, The Les and Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation, and anonymous donors
Time limit 7 minutes per aria. Competitors will only sing the FIRST of the two arias listed in the programme in this preliminary round. The winner will receive the Aria Cup and $5,000 from the Becroft Foundation; 2nd Prize $3000.00 from the Les and Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation and 3rd Prize $1000.00 given by anonymous donors. Competitors must also enter TWO other classes in the competition. A single entry in either Class 263 (Linda Wootten Memorial) or Class 264 (Seamus Casey Memorial) will satisfy this condition.

1Antonia BrightwellFrère voyez!J. MassenetWerther
O care paroletteHandelOrlando

2Libby MontgomeryOmbre, piante, urne funeste!HandelRodelinda
Sul fil d’un soffio etesioVerdiFalstaff

3Alexandra FrancisZeffiretti lusinghieriMozartIdomeneo
Mein Herr MarquisJ. StraussDie Fledermaus

4Sarah HubbardThe Trees on The MountainsCarlisle FloydSusannah
Durch Zärtlichkeit und SchmeichelnMozartDie Entführung aus dem Serail

5Jessica WebberJe dis que rien ne m'épouvanteBizetCarmen
Glück das mir verbliebKorngoldDie Tote Stadt

6Mike Yang LiuÈ la solita storia del pastoreCileaL'arlesiana
Pourquoi Me RéveillerMassenetWerther

7Alexander JamesO du mein holder AbendsternWagnerTannhäuser
Hai già vinta la causaMozartLe nozze di Figaro

8Hannah KingPiangerò, la sorte miaG.F. HändelGiulio Cesare
Una donna a quindici anniMozartCosì fan tutte

9Christina OrjisEs gibt ein ReichStraussAriadne auf Naxos
Ebben? Ne andro LontanaA. CatalaniLa Wally

10Sid ChandDies Bildnis ist bezaubern schönMozartDie Zauberflöte
Ah! Mes AmisDonizettiLa Fille du Regiment

11Cecilia ZhangE amore e un ladroncelloMozartCosi fan tutte
Que fais-tu, blanche tourterelle?GounodRoméo et Juliette

12Arthur Adams-CloseQuesto amorPucciniEdgar
Bella siccome un angeloDonizettion Pasquale

13Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoWhere’re you walkHandelSemele
Source delicieuseGounodPolyeucte

14Rhiannon CooperCome in quest'ora brunaVerdiSimon Boccanegra
I want magic!PrevinA streetcar named desire

15Olivia PikeDonde lietaPucciniLa Bohème
Mařenka's AriaSmetanaThe Bartered Bride

16Katherine WinitanaL'année en vain chasse l'annéeDebussyL'enfant Prodigue
Donde lieta uscìPucciniLa Boheme

17Te Ohorere WilliamsSolitudini amiche... Zeffiretti LusinghieriMozartIdomeneo
Sì, Mi chiamano MimìPucciniLa Bohème

18Maeve HerdEccomi in lieta vesta… Oh quante volteBelliniI Capuleti e i Montecchi
Air de la FolieRameauPlatée

19Clare HoodFierce NightJonathan DoveFlight
Caro nomeVerdiRigoletto

20Ridge PoniniUna Furtiva LagrimaDonizettiL'elisir D'amore
E la solita storiaFrancesco CileaLarlesiana

21Sophia YangAh! Je veux vivreGounodRoméo et Juliette
Eccomi in lieta vesta…O, quante volteBelliniI Capuleti e i Montecchi

Results: Published 07-Jun-2022 07:32 (details)

FinalistSid Chand
FinalistRhiannon Cooper
FinalistMaeve Herd
FinalistKatherine Winitana
FinalistRidge Ponini
FinalistOlivia Pike
FinalistEmmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono
FinalistSarah Hubbard

Sun 5 Jun Evening6pm


Mon 6 Jun Becroft Aria Final5:30pm

Class 245fBecroft Aria Finalopen

Class sponsor   
8 Finalists of class 245.

1Sarah HubbardThe Trees on The MountainsCarlisle FloydSusannah
Durch Zärtlichkeit und SchmeichelnMozartDie Entführung aus dem Serail

2Sid ChandDies Bildnis ist bezaubern schönMozartDie Zauberflöte
Ah! Mes AmisDonizettiLa Fille du Regiment

3Emmanuel Fonoti-FuimaonoWhere’re you walkHandelSemele
Source delicieuseGounodPolyeucte

4Rhiannon CooperCome in quest'ora brunaVerdiSimon Boccanegra
I want magic!PrevinA streetcar named desire

5Olivia PikeDonde lietaPucciniLa Bohème
Mařenka's AriaSmetanaThe Bartered Bride

6Katherine WinitanaL'année en vain chasse l'annéeDebussyL'enfant Prodigue
Donde lieta uscìPucciniLa Boheme

7Maeve HerdEccomi in lieta vesta… Oh quante volteBelliniI Capuleti e i Montecchi
Air de la FolieRameauPlatée

8Ridge PoniniUna Furtiva LagrimaDonizettiL'elisir D'amore
E la solita storiaFrancesco CileaLarlesiana

Results: Published 07-Jun-2022 20:04 (details)

First placeOlivia Pike
Second placeEmmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono
Third placeMaeve Herd
