General conditions for all NSPAS competitors

1Order of performance

Competitor's names will appear in the Programme in the order in which they will compete unless pre-arranged by the stage manager.
All competitors must be in attendance at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the class. The approximate start times will be listed in the programme. Those not present when called may, at the discretion of the stage manager, forfeit the right to compete.


No person other than officials, performers, and stage prop handlers is permitted backstage during performances.

3Photocopied Music

By law, it is not permitted to use photocopied music when performing on stage. However, a photocopy or scanned digital copy may be given to the adjudicator.

4Cameras, Video Cameras, and Mobile Phones

Any photography, with or without flash, is strictly prohibited during performances. Photography of your own child or student is allowed before or after the performance. Video recording is NOT PERMITTED, except for approved school assessments such as NCEA and IB and prior permission from the section convenor has been obtained in advance. The convenor may require written confirmation from the school confirming the necessity of the recording for assessment purposes.


Prizes will be awarded at the adjudicator's discretion. If there are fewer than four entrants, only first prize may be awarded. This rule may not apply to individually sponsored classes. When two or more competitors tie for first place, the adjudicator has the right to recall those performers to determine a winner. Should a first equal be awarded, both the first and second prize monies will be amalgamated and split equally.


All trophies are the property of the Society. Please return your trophies each year to the addresses specified by each section convenors. Engraving of trophies and cups is the responsibility of the winner; please ensure conformity of size, style, and detail with previous years’ winners.

7Duplication of items

The same item may not be entered twice in the competition.

Senior Vocal Section Rules

Official Pianist: Rosemary Barnes (09)528 7756 or 021 1839734.
It is essential that you contact Rosie as soon as possible so that your rehearsal times can be arranged. For out of town entrants who need to use the official pianist special arrangements may be arranged providing adequate notice is given.


This competition is only open to amateur performers and full-time students. No professional performers (those whose main income is derived from musical performance) may enter.


The closing date for entries is 01-May-2024. NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted after the closing date.

The Base Entry Fee is $35 and non-refundable under any circumstances. Entry Fees are $15 per class unless mentioned in the class description. The full Fee is non-refundable once the competition programme has been finalised and published on the website.

Entries are to be completed on our website

Fees should be paid by internet banking to ASB account 12-3015-0496524-02 (provide the competitor's first name and surname as Reference, e.g., J Bloggs). No entries will be accepted without FULL PAYMENT prior to the closing date.

3Open classes

Where a class is described as "OPEN" and is without a specific age range or limit it is open to amateur performers and students of any age. .

4Time limits

Time limits will be strictly observed. Unless otherwise stated in the class description, the time limit for each class is 5 minutes. The Adjudicator has the option of ringing the bell when the time limit has been reached. The adjudicator will deduct one mark for every 10 seconds exceeding the time limit.


No changes may be made after the closing date for entries, except by permission of the convenor.

Important: No item may be sung more than once in the competition.

10Special Awards for Senior Vocal

The President’s Cup plus $100 from the Les & Sonia Andrews Cultural Foundation will be awarded to the most promising Vocalist in this section, as an encouragement grant to continue studying.

11National Young Performer Of The Year

If you intend to complete in the National Young Performer Of The Year competition, please note the extensive rules laid out in the description of class 252.
