General conditions for all NSPAS competitors
1Order of performance
Competitor's names will appear in the Programme in the order in which they will compete
unless pre-arranged by the stage manager.
All competitors must be in attendance at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the class.
The approximate start times will be listed in the programme. Those not present when called may, at the discretion of the
stage manager, forfeit the right to compete.
No person other than officials, performers, and stage prop handlers is permitted
backstage during performances.
3Photocopied Music
By law, it is not permitted to use photocopied music when performing on stage. However,
a photocopy or scanned digital copy may be given to the adjudicator.
4Cameras, Video Cameras, and Mobile Phones
Any photography, with or without flash, is strictly prohibited during performances.
Photography of your own child or student is allowed before or after the performance.
Video recording is NOT PERMITTED, except for approved school assessments such as
NCEA and IB and prior permission from the section convenor has been obtained in advance.
The convenor may require written confirmation from the school confirming the
necessity of the recording for assessment purposes.
Prizes will be awarded at the adjudicator's discretion.
If there are fewer than four entrants, only first prize may be awarded.
This rule may not apply to individually sponsored classes.
When two or more competitors tie for first place, the adjudicator has
the right to recall those performers to determine a winner. Should a first
equal be awarded, both the first and second prize monies will be amalgamated
and split equally.
All trophies are the property of the Society.
Please return your trophies each year to the addresses specified by each section convenors.
Engraving of trophies and cups is the responsibility of the winner;
please ensure conformity of size, style, and detail with previous years’ winners.
7Duplication of items
The same item may not be entered twice in the competition.
Dance Section Rules
Time Limits
3 minutes for individual, duos and trios except
4 minutes for PACANZ Award classes. The adjudicator has the option of
ringing the bell to stop the performance when the time limit has been reached.
Music Source
The theatre has a sound system for CDs only.
There are no facilities for playing tapes. A separate CD must be available
for each Dance and the CD must be ready to play. Time does not permit finding
the track at the beginning of a competitor's performance.
On each CD the CLASS, SEQUENCE NUMBER and COMPETITOR's NAME, must be clearly shown.
Unless a monetary prize has been sponsored, medals will
be awarded to competitors under 14 years. If there are fewer than 4 competitors
only one prize may be awarded at the discretion of the adjudicator.
Should there be a dead heat, the monetary prizes will be combined and divided equally.
Check In
All competitors must check in with the Stage Manager
(downstage right) at least TWO classes ahead of their performance.
Approximate times have been indicated for the commencement of your class...
PLEASE BE THERE. The labeled CD must be handed in at that time.
Before taking part in NSPACS (Inc), competitors are to
please read the Society Rules that are posted on the website. A copy of the
rules will be displayed at Kaipatiki theatre on the back of the main noticeboard.
You will be expected to have read and understood the rules before taking part.