Senior Vocal Syllabus

Please be sure you are familiar with the Rules. In particular, the time limit of each class:
5 minutes, unless otherwise stated in the class description.

Unless otherwise stated, classes will carry prize money as follows:
  1st place $50
  2nd place $30
  3rd place $15
Where a class has fewer than four entrants, the class will only continue at the convenor's and /or the adjudicator's discretion, and the adjudicator may only award a first prize. If there are fewer than 6 entrants in a class, only a first and second place will be awarded.

245Becroft Aria (preliminary round)open$30

Winner receives the Aria Cup and $5,000 from the David & Genevieve
Becroft Foundation; second place $1,000 from the Auckland Opera
Forum; third place $600 ($100 cash and $500 towards attendance at
the 2018 NZ Opera School in Whanganui). Time limit 7 minutes per aria.
Competitors will sing the FIRST of the two arias on their entry form
in the first round. Competitors must also enter TWO other classes 
in the competition. A single entry in Class 263 (Linda Wootten Memorial)
or Class 264 (Seamus Casey Memorial) will satisfy this condition.   

245fBecroft Aria Finalopen

8 Finalists of class 245.

247Restricted - Own Selectionopen

Open to singers who have not won a first prize during the last three years
at this or any similar competition.

250Song by a New Zealand Composeropen


251Vocal Duet - Own selectionopen


252Nomination/s for PACANZ National Young Performer Awards open

A maximum of two competitors may be nominated by the adjudicator
for the finals of the 2018 PACANZ National Young Performer Awards 
to be held over Labour Weekend in Palmerston North. 
NSPAS will pay a portion of the $75 entry fee for each nominee.

253Operatic Soloopen

This class is not open to entrants in the Becroft Aria

254European Art Song (not English), after 1840open


255Vocal Championshipopen$15

Class sponsor    Ann Shanks and various NSPAS Benevolent Funds
Competitors entering this class ($15) must also enter and compete in Classes 
257, 258 & 259 ($10 per class). Winner receives $200, second place $100,
third place $50, donated by Ann Shanks and various NSPAS Benevolent Funds.


Time limit 7 minutes. Any preceding recitative must be included.

258Art Song in original English (any period)open


259German Liedopen

Class sponsor    Auckland Lieder Group
Winner receives the Gwilym Evans Memorial Trophy and $100,
second place $50 and third place $25 donated by the Auckland Lieder Group.

263The Linda Wootten Memorial Award18 to 27 years$20

Class sponsor    Linda Wootten Estate
Open to female singers aged 18-27. Winner receives $1,000,
second place $500, third place $200 from the Linda Wootten Estate.
Competitors will sing three items: an aria from opera, a German Lied, 
and an item in English.
These may be sung in any order, with or without spoken introductions, 
but total performance time must not exceed 13 minutes. 
Competitors are required to be present at the end of the session
(around 9.30pm) for the announcements and presentations.
Any competitor not present may forfeit her place and prize money. 

264The Seamus Casey Memorial Award18 to 27 years$20

Class sponsor    Seamus Casey Memorial Award Fund
Open to male singers aged 18-27. Winner receives $1000, second place $500,
Competitors will sing three items: an aria from opera,
a German Lied, and an item in English. These may be sung in any order, 
with or without spoken introductions, but total performance time must 
not exceed 13 minutes. Competitors are required to be present at the 
end of the session (around 9.30pm) for announcements and presentations.
Any competitor not present may forfeit his place and prize money.
