Senior Piano Syllabus

Please be sure you are familiar with the Rules. In particular, the time limit of each class:
5 minutes, unless otherwise stated in the class description.

11Piano Solo Classical Own Selection12 and 13 years

“Classical” is taken to mean Composers before Schubert.

12Piano Solo Romantic Or Modern Own Selection12 and 13 years

“Romantic or Modern” is taken to mean works by 
Composers from Schubert onwards.

13Piano Solo Sight Reading12 and 13 years


14Piano Solo Classical Own Selection14 to 16 years

“Classical” is taken to mean Composers before Schubert.

15Piano Solo Romantic Or Modern Own Selection14 to 16 years

“Romantic or Modern” is taken to mean works by 
Composers from Schubert onwards.

16Piano Solo Sight Reading14 to 16 years


17Piano Solos Classical Own Selection17 and older

“Classical” is taken to mean composers before Schubert.

18Piano Solos Romantic or Modern Own Selection17 and older

“Romantic or Modern” is taken to mean works by Composers from Schubert onwards.

19Piano Solo Sight Reading17 and older


20Piano Two Pieces In Contrasting Period14 to 16 years

Two pieces in a contrasting period suitable for a concert performance.
Time limits of 8 minutes altogether.

21Piano Solo NZ Composer12 to 17 years


22Piano Solo Own Selection12 to 16 years

Restricted to Competitors who have not previously won first prize in any section.

23Piano Solo Own Selection J.S. Bach12 to 16 years

Class sponsor    IRMT Auckland Branch
Any keyboard work composed by J. S. Bach.
Arrangements are not acceptable

24aPiano Duet Own Selection, One Piece Only12 to 14 years

Competitors may only play in one item in each class.

Make only 1 entry per team/group.

24bPiano Duet Own Selection, One Piece Onlyopen

Competitors may only play one item in each class.

Make only 1 entry per team/group.

24cPiano Double Duo (2 Pianos,8 Hands) Own Selectionopen$16

Competitors may only play in one item in each class. 

Make only 1 entry per team/group.

25Piano Concerto12 to 17 years$20

Competitors must also enter and play in at least one other Class.

Mozart Piano Concerto  in B-flat Major K 456 1st movement and cadenza only

The second Piano (Orchestral Part) will not be judged and may be played
by a Teacher. Three finalists will be chosen and will perform with the
Devonport Chamber Orchestra on 
Sunday 1 June 2025 at 2:30pm at Takapuna Pumphouse

The finalists will have the opportunity to rehearse with the Orchestra.

26Piano Scholarship (Junior)12 and 13 years$20

To enter a Scholarship class, competitor must enter classes 11, 12 and 13
along with Class 26

27Piano Scholarship (Intermediate)14 to 16 years$20

To enter a Scholarship class, competitors must enter classes 14, 15 and 16
along with Class 27

28Piano Scholarship (Senior)17 and older$20

To enter a Scholarship class, competitors must enter classes 17, 18 and 19
along with Class 28

29Piano Recital (Junior)12 to 14 years$20

Competitors to prepare and present two or three pieces of a contrasting nature.

Recital to last 10 to 12 minutes.

30Piano Recital (Intermediate)15 to 17 years$20

Competitors to prepare and present two or three pieces of a contrasting nature.

Recital to last 12 to 15 minutes.

31Piano Recital (Senior)18 and older$20

Competitors to prepare and present a recital lasting not less
then 15 minutes nor more than 20 minutes.

Marks will be awarded for choice, presentation, and musicianship.

32Piano Sonata Recital16 and older$25

Competitors must also enter and play in at least one other class.

Competitors to play the first movement only in the first session,
but must be prepared to play more if requested by the Adjudicator.

Recalls will play the whole Sonata on the Final night.
